Fehra: support for the Scots pine
On April 21, 2016, the interim results of the qualification network "Fehra - Pinewood use" were presented in the “business centre of Lower Austria” in St. Pölten. The nine speakers had the task to summarise the input from 30 partners and the work of 22 workshops in just one afternoon.
The event was entertainingly moderated by Herbert Grulich (Agricultural College Edelhof). First, Susanne Formanek (ecoplus) and Erik van Herwijnen (Wood K plus) gave an overview of the project. Prof. Hasenauer (BOKU) and Martin Forstner (WWN - Wildlife ecology, forestry, natural space, consulting) presented silvicultural measures and effects, Prof. Teischinger and Robert Stingl (both BOKU) brought the wood technological characteristics of pine wood and Erik van Herwijnen spoke about the special wood components.
Also two SME's took the floor: master carpenter Hermann Neulinger uses pine, because he is convinced that the scots pine, just like the botanically closely related stone pine, can be beneficial to health. In addition, the pine grows practically on the doorstep, and it is important to work close to nature and to keep the value in the region. For Theresa Steininger, CEO of WW Wohnwagon, the Fehra is a symbol for nature and region, for courage and pioneering spirit, and for climate and health. To make this experience, a camper hotel room will be built in pine wood. The pine is also something special from the perspective of a designer, said Julia Zillinger of the New Design University. As a regional, climate-change resistant pioneer tree with a unique wood grain, the pine is “an individual environmental saviour with style".
At the end, more potentials and questions were collected together with about 50 interested visitors of different backgrounds, which will be elaborated in the coming weeks by the Fehra network. The event was reported in the media.
The advantages of the pine were also presented at many other events: on 23 April at the Euro Jack in Langschlag, on 10 May at the BOKU mobile event on Edelhof, and May 18 to 20 at the Waldviertel pur at Vienna city hall square and from the May 26 to 29 at the BIOEM fair in Großschönau.