Project: TFP HyMat - "Technology and Research Platform - Hybrid Materials"



Project: TFP HyMat - "Technology and Research Platform - Hybrid Materials"



Project description and aim:

Hybrid materials are promising, novel composite materials which open up new potentials because of their specific properties as well as their applicability in new processing technologies. Main barriers for the dissemination of hybrid materials are the strongly linked challenges in material production, material processing and application driven design.


The overall goal of the project is the implementation of a cross border technology and research platform for production and processing of hybrid materials. TFP-HyMat (“Technology and Research Platform – Hybrid Materials”) is an interregional innovation capacity, which has the capability to address the complex and interdisciplinary challenges in a cooperative manner. The application of an interregional approach shall lead to a jointly designed open access R&D infrastructure and a sound knowledge, both needed for breaking the ground for future product innovations of regional companies.   

The current project consortium represents an expandable competence nucleus, which comprises the necessary scientific disciplines needed for setting up the cooperation. The chosen cooperation approaches will be implemented and evaluated within a pilot project for 3D printing of biogenic hybrid filaments. The results of the project will be disseminated and communicated by applying in transfer measures like permanent needs assessment at the regional companies. The gained inputs will be used for continuously developing and improving the performance of the TFP-HyMat-platform.




January 2016 – December 2018

Funding program: 

INTERREG Österreich - Bayern 2014-2020

Project code:


Lead partner:

Kompetenzzentrum Holz GmbH (Research area Wood Chemistry & Biotechnology, Research area Wood Polymer

Project partners:

Universität Passau (Institut für Softwaresysteme in technischen Anwendungen der Informatik, FORWISS)

Universität Salzburg (Fachbereich Materialforschung und Physik)

Fachhochschule Salzburg (Holztechnologie & Holzbau)

Project leader:

Patrick Pammer



The project "TFP HyMat" is funded by the INTERREG-Program Austria - Bavaria 2014-2020 and the province of Upper Austria.