Equipment and Methods
The team Sustainable Innovation and Impact Assessment conducts research at the interface of technology development and business, with the aim of successfully shaping innovation processes by providing tailor-made information. With that, our research partners are supported and advised on ecological, economic and social questions related to market issues.
The expertise is grouped into three topics:
Market-oriented technology research
A variety of methods, such as Delphi-studies, social network analyses, importance-performance analyses, quantitative and qualitative surveys are applied for technology foresight to identify barriers and incentives that influence the success of new products and technologies. Requirements for new products, market volumes, but also social acceptance – fundamental for economic success – are identified and targeted measures can be derived.
- Market surveys with survey tools such as Limesurvey, Survey monkey, ...
- Media and Content Analysis with Atlas Ti, Max QDA

Customised forecasting models and sector simulations
Based on System-Dynamics models and supported by econometric methods, medium- to long-term projections,
substitution analyses and input-output simulations are performed. These allow customised market analyses, simulations and forecasts of the forest-based sector, such as price developments, wood flows, or carbon stock dynamics.
- Agent-based market modeling with Netlogo, R, ArcGis, trading databases
- System Dynamic Sectorsimulations with FOHOW

Sustainability assessment and life cycle assessment
Environmental, economic and social aspects of the sustainability of biobased innovations are investigated in combination with different social-scientific methods. Depending on technological maturity, these findings are essential in order to be able to develop innovations in a target-oriented manner.
- Life cycle assessment with LCA software and LCA databases